Sunday, November 4, 2012


   Well, hello there y'all! Good morning! It's currently 6:51am here in Australia and I've yet to catch a wink of sleep.. probably because I napped after work in the afternoon (whoops). I guess you could also attribute my insomnia to my need for a new manicure! I knew I wanted something bright and fun and ikat-y (let's pretend that's an actually adjective, and it isn't made up at all). I spent the night painting, removing, painting, removing... and painting, and removing nail polish trying out different patterns, different colour combos. Here are the ones I was bothered to snap pictures of:

   So, in conclusion, I decided to smush these 3 designs together and got this:

   There is something about the ikat design I just love. Partly because it's so easy and less tedious than trying to create straight perfect lines. Painting those black dividing lines were a pain enough to get straight and even *sob Though I have to admit, in this mani I used black acrylic paint (yes, I've finally bought some!) instead of regular polish; it is so much (SO MUCH) easier to create opaque straight lines. Top it off with a coat of top coat and you can't tell it's not polish *grin

   For some strange reason, these remind me of Fresh Prince of Bel Air.. or is it just me?

   OH AND while I was absent for the most part of this week (on blogger and tumblr) I had a mani that I had only uploaded onto instagram. Just for your viewing pleasure, here they are:

   Just a basic pastel green to blue striped gradient ^^ There were requests on instagram for a tutorial, so I whipped one up real quick.

   Also as a special request from my mum, I made pistachio macarons! And they have feet!

   Andddddd... I think that's all for now. I've bombarded you all with enough photos. Until my next post that is ^^ 



  1. I love these! I can't believe you stayed up ALL night though...I thought I was bad! x

    1. thanks! haha my semester for uni is over now so the late nights (or early mornings XD) are back!

  2. Hello gorgeousness and creativity!

    1. Gorgeousness and Creativity wave hello back! haha

  3. Both manis are so elaborated! such a great job. and the macarons look yummy!

  4. Thanks so much! Macarons are a guilty pleasure of mine :D


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