Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Neon Madness

Is there anyone else who has to go into work tomorrow (or worked today 26/12/12) and somehow try to survive the post Christmas sale onslaught that's bound to ensue?! My day starts at 6am tomorrow to put signs up for the sales in my department then doors open at 8am until midnight! So, to match tomorrow's inevitable madness and mayhem, I give you a neon grunge look that I just can't stop looking at! :D

For this, I used Ulta3 Citrus, Face of Australia Polyester Girl, Rimmel Sky High, BC Co. Shade 12 and a regular black polish. Citrus is such an amazing polish, it's so darn bright and very very neon!! Though I probably wouldn't ever wear it plain on it's own, because then it'd look like I coloured my nails with yellow highlighter! HAHA

Also, I can't go serving the endless lines of customers at work tomorrow with only one hand coloured, so here's a look at my right hand.

There's a reason why you don't see this hand very often. Because of work, and my clumsiness at work, I tend to always break the nails on my right hand. Even when they grow just a teeny weeny eensy bit, sooner or later they break at work ): So here are my nubbins, complete with the awkward hand poses :P you can tell my right hand doesn't know how to pose haha


  1. OMG I looooooveee this! So brightly neon loveee!

    1. naww thanks Ems! Neons are my faves this Summer, can't seem to get away from them :P

  2. Good luck with the endless lines, it sounds exhausting!
    The mani is so bright, fun and lovely, hopefully it will cheer you up :)
    PS: it would be fantastic if you turned or the word verification - this is my third attempt, lets hope I can see the letters and numbers this time LOL

    1. hehe thanks Maria (: and I switched the verification off, I didn't even know I had it on! haha I know what you mean though, those things really bug me sometimes, so hard to read!

  3. Hi Christine, I came across your nail art blog today and believe me, I'm lovin it! You're awesome!! Can you post a brief tutorial for this one? I am guessing you did some sponging and some sort of fading brush effect.

    1. Thanks so much for the sweet words! And I've just finished putting together a quick picture tutorial on these, they'll be included in the next post! (:

    2. Thanks looking forward to the tutorial.. :-)

  4. I just found your blog through your guestpost - and I just wanted to say how great you are! I just read all your older posts :) Love this design, too!

    1. aw you're too sweet (: thankyou for all the love! I hope you continue to enjoy what I post ^^

  5. Replies
    1. Next post will have the tutorial! So stay tuned (:


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